Feeling Juicy in Your Body | Yoga

confidence kundalini yoga menstrual cycle yoga Jul 18, 2023

It’s dat time: to feel so fucking yummy in your body. aura lit. you know you’re the shit. juicy goddess vibes flowing- that’s all i want for yew, Queen💓

Absolute confidence in your skin, moving through life with ease because you feel safe in this uncertain world.

You aren’t putting up with bullshit that doesn’t match your frequency anymore.

Full embodiment of who you truly are💓

You are OPENING to life and letting it pour into you💦

Taking the big scary leap into the unknown, because you know that’s where the magic is💞

When you do the deep shadow work to move through layers of pain, you pop out the other side like a bad bitch.

That’s what we do inside my new course.

All the embodiment tools for healing menstrual disorders, Ayurvedic nutrition, yoga, being your true self, so expressed, so authentic, so real.

HEALTH: physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially.🐆

Oh and probably growing a garden + frolicking in nature 🔥

Join Heal Your Period, the 28 day course NOW!

Stop attracting people who can’t pay and start attracting soul babe clients daily without working ungodly hours everyday 


Learn exactly how to speak to your ideal clients


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Fall in love with your business again because you are truly living in your zone of genius


Step by step writing prompts to get you crystal clear... that will have people throwing their credit card at you


No burning out required to scale your business anymore


Step into the next version of your business where you are booked out and paid

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