Make Art | Motivation

fire make art motivation Jul 14, 2023

When i all i want to do is crawl out of my skin, i make love + art 🐆💞 i let my legacy devour me open to my soul. I let the art move through my veins. ⁣

When i all i want is to run from the sensations, i stay. I open wider. ⁣

When it feels like the waves won’t stop crashing, i sink. I exhale. I release and sit on the bottom of the ocean floor. ⁣

When confusion arises, i lay in nature and call on her wisdom to relax my nervous system so that i can see clearly. ⁣

My body is always leading me, my desires pulling me towards them. ⁣

Love and art is the way through. ⁣
Love and art is the medicine. ⁣
Fierce love and art with committment, devotion and dedication will take you through even the darkest of nights. ⁣

So many people want love and art, yet they secretly fear the power that comes from being surrendered to the passionate process. ⁣Focus on the feeling your art evokes. Chase the bliss.
Say yes to the adventure. ⁣
Say yes to the thrill. ⁣
Say yes to your craft. ⁣

That’s how you become the master of your always say yes to love and art🏹⁣

Let’s play🐆⁣


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