Opening the Period Portal | Team FREEBLEED

food forest freebleeding goddess holistic health menstrual cycle womens health yoni Jul 18, 2023

FREEBLEEDING❣️ so many people ask me what i do so here it is- I have dedicated period outfits that I basically don’t care if they get bloody. I have dark red towels. We get a little burst of estrogen about 2 days before we bleed, specifically built into our feminine bodies so we have the energy to prepare for our menstruation. I clean the house, meal prep get ready to basically lay at home for 4 days. I have @natracare tampons just in case I need to run into town. I try to only wear them when I absolutely have to because the body wants to just let it flow down (apana vayu) By wearing tampons or a cup, the blood is held in the body and can create stagnation. This can cause cramps, growths, dark spotting (blood that gets stuck for a month until your next cycle). Does it get messy? Yes. So I just spend time in water, take more showers, lay on hot rocks & treat my moon time as a spiritual cleanse. The body is burning 300 extra calories each day so let yourself rest. Focus on intuitive and creative projects since your wise woman Oracle is the most turned on for the month. I love to write, edit content, make jewelry, paint, draw and garden while I’m on my cycle…being in nature as much as I canđź’— the most important part of this time is that you reflect on the month before and let go of what isn’t serving you…turning the page fresh into your next cycle 🌙 if you’re looking to heal menstrual disorders and live in tune with your cycle, check out my course, Heal Your Period at the link in my bio đź’•

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