Let’s talk about emotions, PMS & PMDD
Yeah fuck greenwashing. Fuck this company
FREEBLEEDING so many people ask me what i do so here it is- I have dedicated period outfits that I basically don’t care if they get bloody. I have dark red towels. We get a little burst of...
Replace your menstrual cravings with yummy hormone balancing alternatives womb dust is cinnamon, date sugar, ashwaghanda, shatavari + maca
Papaya helps regulate estrogen, the hormone that makes women feminine. Too much or too little causes imbalances in the menstrual cycle
Sometimes the uterus is displaced and blocks the flow of apana vayu, downward movement. This causes pain in the womb, cramps and painful periods. When we spend time each day opening the pelvis, we...
When healing the nervous system + finding our bliss, the most important thing is safety. Extreme mood swings and PMS is a sign that you need to find that safety againFinding our comfort, not...
Ayurveda, the science of life, offers an ancient holistic approach to healing menstrual disorders
Through understanding our body, the connection to earth, food + movement, we find REAL solutions...
You are a fucking Queen. You have nothing to prove. No one to ask permission. You are not to be tamed or fit into some little box. You’re not here to sit down and look pretty.
People that you love are going to project their insecurities on you.
They are going to say mean and nasty things.
They are going to blame you, hurt you and reject you.
It’s going to hurt like...