Are you estrogen deficient or dominant? 💓

estrogen holistic health libido menstrual cycle menstrual disorders period pain womens health Jul 13, 2023

Let’s chat estrogen, the ultimate queen hormone in building healthy strong bones, nails and hair, fuller breasts, a pain free Menstrual cycle and even keeps us feeling nourished, vital and happy💗🐆

Too much or too little wreaks havoc on our mood and overall health.

The main thing in common with estrogen levels being out of balance is a low libido- are you isolating and don’t crave connection? That’s a tell-tale sign.

Too much estrogen is a Kapha imbalance & too little is a Vata imbalance in Ayurveda☁️

Some ways to balance your estrogen levels are:

💓 Regulating stress, especially chronic stress from overwork, worries and anxiety by having daily ayurvedic rituals that make you feel amazing.

💓 Eating a balanced diet with a regular routine, eating for your dosha, season and current imbalance by understanding your emotional tendencies.

💓 Exercising enough but not too much depending on your how healthy your adrenals are and how much chronic stress / trauma you’ve recently struggled with.

💓 Eliminating environmental toxins like endocrine disrupting makeup, clothes, plastics, dishware, and of course…people.

💓 Integrating hormone balancing herbs and supplements like maca root, shatavari, vitex berry, gingko, sunny mood and collagen.

I am about feeling good, alive and living it ecstatically. 🕊️

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